Client : Lesaffre
Project Manager : Florence Delchambre, Jennifer Savina
Project Manager : Florence Delchambre, Jennifer Savina
Texts & Dialogues : Camille Van Damme
Drawing & Colors: Aurélien Vervaeke, Jean-Baptiste Roeland
Year : 2024
Year : 2024
In 2023, I was comissioned by the Baking Center Lesaffre to make a full Comic Book for their 50th Anniversary. The Baking Center is an international network dedicated to bread making tests and yeasts. The initial project was to tell the story of the creation of the baking center through 50 years of history.
As it was a tight deadline of 6 month for a 54 pages comic book, i collaborated with Camille Van Damme for writing the text and making interviews and Jean-Baptiste Roeland to help me for character designs, drawings and colors.
As a result, it was decided to make a fun story about a time machine where the main characters goes to significant events and more...
An Incredible story

An International Comic Book
As the Baking Center is an international network, it was decided since the begining that the comic book and text were going to be translated in 3 langages and for an international audience


The story was mixed with some sketch and info pages about the evolution of the Baking Center